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Frequently Asked Questions


Question: If I have questions about my child’s swimming, who do I talk to?
Answer: Please refer your questions to our wonderful coaches. However, do not distract them during practice, you should wait until the end of practice or e-mail them.

Question: Who should I talk to if I want to know why my child is/is not swimming in a race?
Answer: Not all swimmers swim all events. 10&unders can swim two individual events and 11&up can swim three individual events. The coaches review all swimmers in all strokes before each meet and assign each swimmer his/her events. It will be the coaches’ final decision as to which events your child is in.


Question: What time should my child be at the pool on days we have meets?
Answer: 3:30 pm at home meets and 4:00 pm at away meets. We will warm-up first and the meet will officially begin at 5:00 p.m. This gives them time to check-in, warm up, make any changes to the heat sheet and get marked for their races. On arrival, find the team area/tent and report to the person in charge of your child’s age group.

Question: What should I do if my child cannot make a swim meet?
Answer: As soon as you know your child will not be at a meet, please email [email protected] and inform the coaches. It is very difficult to rearrange relays just before a meet starts. The more notice the coaches have, the easier it is on all swimmers. If you know your child will miss a meet in advance, please fill out the meet attendance that will be emailed the week before the meet.

Question: Who gets my child to their race?
Answer: Each age group has tent parent(s) who will mark their hand with their ID number and take him/her to the starting bench. The best place to see your swimmer is sitting around the pool area. It is important that you do not get in the way of the judges, timers and coaches who are working the meet.

Question: Between races, can my child sit with me?
Answer: Please encourage your child to stay with the team as much as possible. The coaches or the tent parents cannot be responsible if your child misses their race. Parents are more than welcome to sit near the age group tents to keep an eye on their child(ren).

Question: What if we are late for a meet?
Answer: If your child arrives late, someone else may be assigned to swim in your child’s place. It is up to our coaches to handle this matter and their final decisions should not be questioned.

Question: What happens if it rains/bad weather the day of the meet?
Answer: Weather updates will sent via text message. Please sign up for text alerts on the registration system. If the weather turns bad during a meet and a meet is delayed, do not leave the meet without first speaking to a coach. We will always do our best to swim the meet if at all possible. Rescheduling a meet is difficult and we would rather swim it as scheduled, even though there may be delays.

Question: How can I find out my child’s time from the meets?
Answer: After all times are entered from the meet, your swimmer's times will be posted on our website and/or sent via email.

Question: What kind of snacks and drinks should we bring?
Answer: Fruit, Bagels, Crackers, Goldfish, anything light. We discourage heavy food (i.e. pizza, or hamburgers). Drinks: Water, juice or Gatorade are advisable. Remember your child will be swimming. Sweets and heavy food can be enjoyed after he/she finishes!

Question: What should I pack my swimmer for the meets?
Answer: Plenty of snacks and drinks, toys/games to play with, goggles, swim cap, sunscreen, towel, lawn chairs, money for concessions stand and blanket for ground.

Question: What can I do to help?
Answer: All parents are required to work during meets and you have been asked to sign up online. The team cannot function if there is no parental support. These meets are fun, but they take a lot of people to run them. EVERYONE IS EXPECTED TO VOLUNTEER!


Question: What are the rules for swim team?

- Swimmers must listen to coaches' instruction at all times. Any swimmer who misbehaves will be excluded from the meets/practices until his/her behavior improves.

- Parents must pick swimmers up promptly after practice. Coaches and committee members will not babysit your children.

- Practice times are for registered swimmers only. Siblings and other non registered swimmers must be under adult supervision at all times and stay out of the pool.

- No running around the pool.

- No diving in the shallow end except under coach’s supervision.

- Be supportive of all swimmers.

- No bad sportsmanship will be tolerated.

- No swimmer may enter the pool unless we have a signed waiver on file.


Question: Is it important that my child attend every practice?
Answer: Encourage your child to attend as many practices as possible. This is the time where the coaches can work on helping your child improve their swimming strokes.

Question: How do I know my child’s practice times?
Answer: Practice times are listed on website under calendar tab. Please refer to this.

Question: Who and when do I tell if my child needs to leave practice early?
Answer: Tell one of the coaches at the beginning of your child’s practice. DO NOT DISTRACT THE COACHES DURING PRACTICE.

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