Returning Member? Login to retrieve information from your previous registration.
* Indicates a required field

2025 Registration Form

Welcome to the 2025 Gators!  

FOR ALL RETURNING GATORS:  Please LOG IN to your prior FC Gators Swimtopia account to register. 

Early Registration begins March 1st for Returning Swimmers (and siblings) ONLY. Early registration is only for former Gator families. Please login prior to completing this form if you are returning. If you register and pay before March 14th and are not a former member, then we'll refund you in 4-6 weeks minus credit card processing fee and you will have to re-register on or after March15th and pay again. Returning swimmers will have until March 14th to register to guarantee membership for 2025. Starting March 15th, Registration is open to everyone and at that time we will no longer hold spots for returning swimmers. At that time, registration will be open to everyone on a space available basis only by age and gender until full. Online Registration ends May 14th, 2025 or when the roster is full. 

If this is your first year on the First Colony Gator Swim Team, you MUST show proof of Date of Birth by either a Birth Certificate or Passport before you can start practice. You may email that proof to [email protected]

Practices will begin on Monday, April 28th for new swimmers (and kids in the age group 11-12 who will be flip turning for the first time) and Wednesday, April 30th for all swimmers.  Morning practices will start the Monday after school gets out, Monday, June 2nd.  The complete practice schedule for 2025 will be posted on the website when it is available. 

The cost is $175 for the first swimmer with a $10 discount for EACH sibling. Sibling discounts are applied AT THE END of the transaction. You MUST register them all at one time to receive discount.

Team Suits

The team suit is the same as last year! The team swimsuit is NOT included in the registration price. You can purchase a suit at the fitting session at the pool prior to your practice time slot on FridayMay 2nd or at Texas Swim Shop (10425B S Post Oak Rd. Houston, Texas 77035). We will send more information as it becomes available.

We are excited to announce that Coach Colin Crow will be back as our head coach this summer! We also have some returning coaches and some new coaches, as well as many area high school swimmers.

We are all looking forward to the upcoming season.

See you poolside.

Parents / Guardians
  • New accounts will be sent an email confirmation message with instructions to set up a password.
  • At least one parent/guardian is required to volunteer.
  • Previously registered parents/guardians cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent / Guardian Information

+ Add a parent / guardian to this registration
  • Previously registered athletes cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Athlete Information

+ Add an Athlete to this registration
Number of years on team

Including 2025, please tell us the number of years each of your swimmers has been on the team. *

Comfort level in the water

Please let us know of any concerns regarding your swimmer's comfort level in the water or other information you'd like to share with the coaching staff before practice begins. This may be related to how far and long they can swim, if they can float and if they may be scared of the water. If your swimmer can already swim the length of the pool unassisted and you don't have other concerns, please ignore this question.

Sponsor Suggestions

One of the ways swimming with the Gators keeps registration costs low is through the support of our generous sponsors. If your company would like to sponsor the team, that option can be found later on this form. If you have suggestions of a company that may want to sponsor us, please list the business name below. Please also let us know if you approve our using you or your swimmer's name when we contact them.

Volunteer Requirement Agreement

Each family is required to commit to and complete 5 points of volunteer shifts during regular season meets (5 meets) for a total of 5 meets. Each volunteer shift equals 1 point. The shifts can be signed up for in various ways to achieve this. 

Our team is managed entirely by volunteers. Some of our families volunteer beyond the regular season as members of the Board, which we encourage and appreciate. The Board plans and coordinates our meets & events, hires coaches and works with the league to keep our team running. When it comes to swim meet days, it takes about 100 volunteers per meet to run an efficient and successful meet so we need everyone's participation!  

How to Volunteer
Our meets are held on Monday evenings in May and June.  Your volunteer shifts may be filled by an adult member of your family (18+) or another reliable individual secured by your family. Each family will have to sign-up online in early May through their SwimTopia account to select 5 volunteer shifts over the regular season. You will receive more detailed instructions a week prior to the opening of volunteer sign-up. 

A few jobs will require in-person training, like stroke judge, but most of our jobs are easily learned from our experienced volunteers or from our website. Some examples of volunteer positions include timer, tent parents, scorekeepers, ribbons, ready bench coordinators and set-up/clean-up.  Most jobs are half meet jobs, but you can complete two shifts during a single meet.

Arriving on time for your chosen shifts is required for your volunteer commitment. If you are unsure about what jobs might be best for your family's needs, please let us know once practices start. Any board member would be happy to suggest jobs that best match your needs.  

Volunteer Sign-up
We will open volunteer sign-ups May 12th. Each family MUST sign up for their shifts by May or their swimmer(s) will not be eligible to compete in the first meet. We encourage you to sign up as soon as the volunteer registration opens as this is when you will have the most options and shift times available. We will send you more detailed information on this as volunteer registration approaches. 

Volunteer Guarantee Deposit
The Gators authorize a $375 volunteer guarantee deposit in the form of a credit card hold at the time of registration. Only one deposit will be held per family.  Your volunteer guarantee deposit WILL NOT be charged unless you do not complete your family's volunteer requirement. If you do not fulfill your 5 point volunteer requirement, $75 will be charged for each 1 point shift missed and it may impact the ability of your swimmer to swim in this season's meets and the standing of your swimmer for future seasons. We will release the hold at the end of the season if you fulfill your volunteer points.  

Assistant Coaches
Families of Assistant Coaches who are also swimmers on the team will not be required to volunteer, unless they also have a regular swimmer that is not an assistant coach (in addition to the assistant coach), in which case the volunteer policy will apply. However, the deposit will be placed on the account upon initial registration and removed at the beginning of June provided the coach is meeting minimal attendance and performance expectations as determined by the Head Coach and the Board (and doesn't have a regular swimmer).

Volunteer buy-out option
Volunteers are crucial to the operation of our team, so we would prefer to have your volunteer participation, but this year we are also offering a limited option to those who would prefer to pay $375 instead of volunteering. A small number of families can choose this option on the "T-Shirts, Awards & Sponsorships" page of this form. If you choose this option, there will also be a volunteer guarantee deposit placed on your account but that will be removed within 5 business days.  

I understand the importance of volunteer participation by all families and agree to abide by my family's volunteer commitment of 5 points. I also understand that a Volunteer Guarantee Deposit hold of $375 will be placed on my account upon registration.  If I do not meet our volunteer commitment, I understand that I will be charged $75 per 1 point missed and my swimmer may be dropped from the team, not be included in early registration in future years and/or other penalty as imposed by the FC Gators Executive Board.  If you are interested in a coordinator position and are selected, this will cover all your volunteer points for the season.  Please email [email protected] to inquire on coordinator positions.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
Meet Attendance Requirement

Gators swimmers must attend a minimum of 3 of the 5 season swim meets to be eligible for the team. 6 & under swimmers who cannot swim the length of the pool are exempt from this, though we do hope they will be able to swim meets in the second half of the season. When you register, you must do so with the intent of swimming the entire season, including post-season meets. We understand that swimmers may have to miss a meet due to illness, a family emergency or some other unavoidable situation. Our team is limited in size by league rules. Registering without the intent of swimming all season is unfair to others who are willing to make that commitment. We also request that you notify us when your swimmer will not be participating in a meet. We will send the details on how to do that in a later email. 

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance:
Photo Release

I give permission for my child(ren)'s name and/or picture to be placed on team website and Facebook page. The team picture will be posted on the Gator website without names listed, Meet results will be posted in a password protected file, password will be sent to families via email. If you have concerns about this, please email us at [email protected]

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
Refund Policy

There is a non-refundable $10 registration fee per swimmer for anyone that chooses to drop from the team prior to the first team practice for all swimmers on April 28th. After April 28th, but before May 5th, if the swimmer drops from the team, this fee increases to a $35 non-refundable fee per swimmer.  In order to receive a refund (minus the mentioned fees), the swimmer must notify the registrar at [email protected] by the dates mentioned above.  After May 5th, no refunds will be provided.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
SHRSL Policy

The swimmer(s) listed have not/will not participate(d) in any non-SHRSL practices or competitions after 4/30/2025.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *

In case of emergency, and in the event that I cannot be reached by phone, I authorize the swim team represenative to take immediate action for securing emergency medical treatment for my child(ren). The swim team representative will not be held liable for payment of medical expenses.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
Release and Indemnity Agreement

As the parent and/or legal guardian of this swimmer, who is a minor, for the consideration of services provided to and for said minor(s), now and in the future, hereby release and forever discharge, indemnify and hold harmless THE FIRST COLONY GATORS SWIM TEAM, any affiliated entities and all of their officers, directors, members, shareholders, contractors, employees, sponsors, agents, insurers, and/or volunteers from any and all liability arising out or which may arise out of any accident or injury sustained by said minor(s), while under the care and control of said GATORS SWIM TEAM.

I further agree to release and forever discharge, indemnify and hold harmless the GATORS SWIM TEAM, Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League (SHRSL), any affiliated entities, officers, directors, members, shareholders, contractors, employees, sponsors, agents, insurers, and/or volunteers from any claim by said minor(s) or by the undersigned or other family member of the minor(s) arising out of said injuries.  

It is understood, however, that any rights which I may have against any other person, firm or entity are hereby expressly reserved.  

I agree to abide by the team expectation rules as published and distributed by the GATORS SWIM TEAM. Our heirs and assigns are bound by this agreement.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
SHRSL Registration and Release Form

Amateur Athletic Waiver and Release of Liability - Adult or Minor

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League (hereinafter SHRSL) swimming program (in any manner) and related events and activities, the undersigned:

1. Agree that prior to participating, they each will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used, and if they believe anything is unsafe, they will immediately advise their coach or supervisor of such condition and refuse to participate.

2. Acknowledge and fully understand that each participant will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, and severe social and economic losses which might result from their own actions, inaction, or negligence of others,  the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or any equipment used.  Further, there may be risks not known to us or not reasonably foreseeable at this time.

3.  Assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death.

4.  Release, waive, dischrge and convenant not to sue SHRSL, their respective administrators, directors, agents, coaches, and other members of the organization, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the events, all of which are hereinafter referred to as Released Parties, from demands, losses or damages on account of injury, including death or damage to property caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise.  

5.  Agree to abide by all UIL/SHRSL rules and regulations governing coaches and UIL participation.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
​Coronavirus / COVID-19 Warning & Disclaimer Coronavirus

 COVID-19 is an extremely contagious virus that spreads easily through person-to-person contact. Federal and state authorities recommend social distancing as a mean to prevent the spread of the virus. COVID-19 can lead to severe illness, personal injury, permanent disability, and death. Participating with the First Colony Gators Swim Team and Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League and utilizing of the facilities and swimming pool and accessing Colony Grant Homeowner Association and CIA Services' facilities could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19. The First Colony Gators Swim Team in no way warrants that COVID-19 infection will not occur through swimming or attendance of accessing the HOA facilities and swimming pool.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
SHRSL Waiver and Release of Liability

SHRSL REGISTRATION AND RELEASE FORM                                  

Amateur Athletic Waiver and Release of Liability - Adult or Minor In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League (hereinafter SHRSL) swimming program (in any manner) and related events and activities, the undersigned: 

1. Agree that prior to participating, they each will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used, and if they believe anything is unsafe, they will immediately advise their coach or supervisor of such condition and refuse to participate. 

2. Acknowledge and fully understand that each participant will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, and severe social and economic losses which might result from their own actions, inaction, or negligence of others, the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or of any equipment used. Further, there may be risks not known to us or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. 

3. Assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death. 

4. Release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue SHRSL, their respective administrators, directors, agents, coaches, and other members of the organization, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the events, all of which are hereinafter referred to as Released Parties, from demands, losses or damages on account of injury, including death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise. 

5. Agree to abide by all UIL/SHRSL rules and regulations governing coaches and UIL participation.  

www.SHRSL.org / revised 5/2010

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *